The XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms (aka Heavyarms or Gundam Zero-Three) is a mobile suit introduced the TV anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. It was the third of Operation Meteor’s five Gundams, and was piloted by a young man operating under the pseudonym Trowa Barton.

All Gunpla Gundam Heavyarms

Gundam Heavyarms EW

MG 1/100 XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms EW

XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms

HGAC 1/144 XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms

1/144 Gundam Heavyarms

Non Grade XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms

Gundam Heavyarms

SD Gundam G Generation XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms

Gundam H-Arms

High Grade Fighting Action Gundam Heavyarms

Gundam H-Arms Custom Metal Clear Ver.

High Grade Fighting Action Gundam Heavyarms (Metal Clear Ver.)

History of Gundam Heavyarms

The XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms (aka Heavyarms or Gundam Zero-Three) is a mobile suit introduced the TV anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. It was the third of Operation Meteor’s five Gundams, and was piloted by a young man operating under the pseudonym Trowa Barton.

Doctor S
Doctor S

With financial backing from the Barton Foundation, Gundam Heavyarms was designed for use in the first Operation Meteor plan which involved a colony drop and subsequent “extinction level event” on Earth. Gundam Heavyarms, along with its four companion Gundams, was to be used to control the ensuing chaos. Gundam Heavyarms was to be piloted by the son of the head of the Barton Security Group, Trowa Barton.

The Gundam design teams, however, did not want their creations used as weapons of mass murder and decided to wage the war for colony independence in their own way. Coming up with a new plan for Operation Meteor, the original Trowa Barton was killed, and an anonymous young mobile suit mechanic took over as the pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms, adopting the name of its former pilot.

As Operation Meteor escalated into a full-fledged war between OZ and the five Gundams, it became clear that the battle would eventually move to space. Trowa then left the ground-use Gundam Heavyarms hidden on Earth as he headed back to space. Sally Po eventually discovered the abandoned Heavyarms and brought it to space, accompanied by Heero Yuy and his Wing Gundam Zero. After meeting up with the remaining Gundam pilots aboard the Peacemillion, Howard and his crew upgraded the Gundam Heavyarms into the Gundam Heavyarms Custom for space combat.

Piloted by Trowa Barton

Trowa Barton is a character first introduced in the TV anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.

Trowa Barton
Trowa Barton

The most experienced soldier of the Gundam pilots, and the only one born on Earth, Trowa is a quiet but determined person. Patient and calm, he will analyze a situation before acting. He hides his feelings well behind an impassive mask. Despite his stoic demeanor, Trowa developed a close friendship with Quatre Raberba Winner. Symbolically, Trowa is often affiliated with masks; not only because of his neutrality and his talent for infiltrating enemy ranks, but also because of his job as a circus clown—a job where he wears a costume and painted mask. Trowa is also shown to have a strong connection with animals, evidenced by when he first joined the circus. On the battlefield, Trowa attacks his enemies with utter ruthlessness and deadly accuracy.